My field of expertise is Haitian art. I conduct online and on-site appraisals upon request. I adhere to the Principles of Appraisal Practice and the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) and the Online Association of Appraisers (OAA). I am also USPAP compliant. I bill on a flat fee depending on the particular use of your appraisal. Art evaluations can be necessary for selling, insurance, tax, estate planning, and evaluating your assets' net worth. I don't give verbal estimations as each piece is unique, and its estimated market value is professionally studied using different approaches depending on many factors.
My professional report is at least a 13-page lengthy report. It's more than an art dealer appraisal. It is comprehensive and provides my credible opinion of value during the evaluation. As you may know, I am a highly ethical and experienced appraiser for Haitian art who has the skills to provide professional, accurate, and complete value for your artwork. It's always worthwhile to pay to assess your art value, as free evaluations can cost you far more than you think you're saving. In other words, appraising a fine art is a whole process that takes knowledge, studies, and expertise. I have the experience, the education, the right DNA, and the passion necessary to be your art appraiser! So, please allow me to be your best-qualified appraiser for your qualified Haitian art appraisals.
I research and analyze specifics about each artwork being appraised, the artist's background information, and the current market trends for that art before determining its worth. Typical research includes assessing the artist's resume and career accomplishments, reviewing the artist's recent auction and gallery sales histories, and evaluating qualities of the art itself, including its size, subject matter, detail, quality, ownership history, age, condition, how it compares to other works by the same artist, and so on. It's a whole process that takes knowledge, studies, and expertise.
You may email me at, free of charge, with the pictures of your art. I should be able to tell you if it's by a known artist enough to be worth the appraisal fee. If you're interested in appraising your art with me, please read my appraiser's qualifications and fill out an appraisal form here. Click to How To Take Good Photos Of Your Artwork